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know yourself. find your playground.


your untamed path

My ultimate mission is to help you find your true,
Untamed path

To uncover the life and work that aligns with who you truly are and what inspires you.


Your Untamed Path is where you perform at your best, have the most fun and make the biggest impact!


Treading your true path brings energy, fulfilment and peace.


 Away from your true path is where exhaustion and stress lie. 


How close are you to your Untamed Path?


Together we identify the hidden beliefs, fears and stories that may have held you back, whilst uncovering your greatest gifts and inspirations to unlock your full potential.

Whatever path you choose I will support, encourage and challenge you to dig deeper and think bigger than ever before. 

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This journey is taken through either 1-1 or group coaching programmes for both individuals and high performance teams.

Whether we’re jumping off cliffs and having beers together at an Untamed Event or co-creating your future 1-1, we will connect deeply and travel your journey together.

Jim is an exceptional coach who pushes you to truly reflect on why you are the way you are & who you truly want to be. Highly recommended!

— Cordell Hensley, Author and Leadership Consultant


My work means the world to me, so I'm extremely selective as to who I help.

Robbie's Experience

Robbie Campbell, Film Director
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