At its core, my work is all about helping people reconnect with their true selves. To me this means helping them tap into their innate gifts, quieten the fearful voice that has become dominant and bring joy back into their lives. Together we identify the difference between their authentic selves and the learned versions that may be holding them back. This journey can be a painful one but ultimately, and I don’t say this lightly, life changing, if approached with courage and honesty. But what if you don’t know you’re disconnected from your authentic self?
You’re unlikely to seek a change, especially such a potentially uncomfortable one, unless you feel it’s necessary. This email is written for those of you who aren’t sure. The ones who have an inkling something is out of whack but can’t place it. This was me when I lived in Perth, around 2015. I was out of alignment. I was disconnecting rapidly from my best self and I didn’t even realise. In retrospect there were some key indicators that something was amiss and I am sharing them with you in the hope they help you make sense of your situation.

8 Indicators of Disconnection
Lost energy - I have always been a bouncy sort but this period saw my energy levels drop significantly
Things felt harder - following on from point 1, activities that previously felt effortless, began to feel like chores
Socially Withdrawn - I felt less inclined to socialise. I found people more irritating and it took more effort
Health impacts - My long term back pain peaked to the point I could barely walk
Negativity - I was coming from a place of fear. I saw obstacles where I used to see opportunities. I became more judgemental and angry
Overthinking - I spent more time living in my head, overthinking things and trusting my instincts less - I was less present
Poor quality sleep - Speaks for itself and often a critical indicator of stress. I became reliant on Sleep Stories
Engaging in distracting or suppressing behaviours - for me this was drinking (not the jovial kind, the angry kind). For others it’s excessive exercise or other forms of addiction
In nearly every case, these changes are subtle and increase over time, making it very difficult to spot, even for people close to us.
Don’t wait until the breaking point, be it in a relationship, your finances, your body or your mind, before you make a change.
If any of the above resonates with you, I implore you to have an honest conversation, either with yourself, or better yet with an independent person who can hold a mirror up.